Your Personal Brand Phase at Encora Apprenticeship — Week 2

Ximena Sandoval
2 min readJan 31, 2022
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

This post is part of a weekly assignment at Encora Apprentice and in this series, I’ll share my journey as a Software Engineer Apprentice. I hope these stories help and motivate others on their tech journey.

This week at Encora

This week I got to put together an interview for one of my apprentice teammates, as well as work on my resume, continue working with Jenkins, and read about testing. Keep reading to know more about this week’s progress!

Preparing an interview

As I mentioned, this week I got to prepare to give an interview. For that, I created a grading rubric with the possible answer scenarios. The takeaway from this experience is the importance of making the interviewee feel safe and comfortable throughout the process. Interviews can be a tricky thing, but we can do our best to give a light atmosphere to make sure the interviewee is giving the best and most honest answers possible.

It doesn’t have to feel like a strict, technical interview, but rather more like a conversation.

It’s about testing

This week I started to read more about testing, and the different types that there are. In the last phase, I got to work with unit testing to test the new features/changes of a certain module, but there are many more types of testing that we can have:

  • Unit testing. They consist of testing individual methods or functions of the classes and modules of your software.
  • Integration testing. They verify that the different modules of your software work together as expected.
  • Smoke testing. Check the basic functionality of an application/software. They are useful after builds.
  • End-to-end testing. These tests replicate the whole flow a user would follow in an application and makes sure everything is working as expected.
  • Functional testing. These tests make sure the software is solving the business problems/following the business logic.

Jenkins and ECR

Last week I mentioned how to provision an ECR repository on AWS using Terraform, and this week I got to build and push an image with our project code to this repository. To do so, you can install the CloudBees AWS plugin for credential management and the AWS ECR plugin and add a pushing stage on your Jenkins pipeline.

stage('Push to ECR') {
agent none
steps {
script {
'ecr:<aws-region>:<my-aws-credentials>') {'<image-name>').push()

Final thoughts

This week was full of interview tips/tricks, some Jenkins hands-on practice, and researching about testing and some Python concepts. Next week I want to keep practicing coding challenges and learn more about interviews!

There are things I can work on to make my interviewer skills better, and I want to keep learning about interviews, as both interviewer or interviewee!



Ximena Sandoval

Cloud Platform Engineer at Encora. Currently learning about CI/CD, Kubernetes and watching Studio Ghibli movies✨